The European Minor Fruit Tree Species Database - EC Project GENRES29

1 - EMFTSD number:3519


3 - Accession designation:SEL. 19

4 - Accession synonym:NAPOLETANA

5 - Donor name:STAPA - CE (IT)

6 - Acquisition date:31/03/95

7 - Collecting institute number:3

8 - Country keeping the accession:IT

9 - Collection site:3

10 - Country of origin:IT

11 - Collection source:3

12 - Status of sample:5

13 - Virus disease status:3

14 - Fruit use:1

15 - Plant use:1

16 - Identification of material:1

17 - Collector's notes:

18 - Growth habit:1

19 - Nut weight:10

20 - Nut height:3.0

21 - Nut width:3.2

22 - Height/width ratio (nut shape):0.93

23 - Nut thickness:2.0

24 - Width of hylum scar:2.5

25 - Thickness of hylum scar:1.6

26 - Percentage of polyembrionic nuts:4

27 - Colour of skin at physiological ripening time:1

28 - Time of commercial harvest:2

29 - Productivity index (number of

burr/stalk*number of nuts/burr*weight):30

30 - Leaf length:23

31 - Leaf width:9,5

32 - Leaf length/width ratio:2,4

33 - Leaf area:218,5

34 - Time of budburst:2

35 - Time of female and male flowering:2

36 - Male kaktins type:3

37 - Number of burr/stalk:1

38 - Number of sectors:

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