Project on Minor Fruit Tree Species Conservation - RESGEN 29


(For in situ conservation)

PASSPORT - Accession data

1 - European minor fruit tree species database (EMFTSD) number: unique numerical identifier for an accession;

2 - Species: to be repeated for each accession (botanical name);

3 - Accession designation: name of the accession (cultivar, breeder’s designation, donor’s designation);

4 - Accession synonym: a synonym to the accession designation. For each species with synonyms, a common accession designation should be identified for each partner and then synonyms should be quoted here;

5 - Donor name: name of institution or individual responsible for donating the germplasm;

6 - Acquisition date: the date on which the accession entered the collection in the form of DDMMYYYY;

7 - Collecting institute number: the partner number from technical annex of project. The same number reported in the institution database file,

8 - Country of collection: two letter abbreviation (see attached list) for country of origin of the accession;

9 - Province-State: name of the administrative subdivision of the country in which the sample was collected;

10 - Location of collection site: distance in kilometres from nearest town or village;

11 - Latitude of collection site: degrees by N (North);

12 - Longitude of collection site: degrees by E (East) and W (West)(e.g. 10W);

13 - Altitude of collection site: elevation above sea level (m);

14 - Country keeping the accession;


15 - Collection source

1 = wild

2 = abandoned (marginal) farm land

3 = farm land

4 = nursery

5 = institute

6 = other (specify in Collector’s notes - point 19)


16 - Status of sample

1 = wild

2 = breeder’s line

3 = primitive cultivar (landrace)

4 = advanced cultivar (bred)

5 = other or uncertain


17 - Virus disease status

1 = virus disease free

2 = virus disease present

3 = no tested



18 - Fruit use

1 = no use

2 = dessert

3 = seed production

4 = other


19 - Plant use

1 = no use

2 = fruit production

3 = only pollinator

4 = mother plant for seeds (rootstock)

5 = ornamental

6 = other


20 - Identification of material

1 = verified

2 = probable

3 = uncertain


21 - Sex

1 = male

2 = female

3 = hermaphrodite


22 - Number of leaflets


23 - Leaflet size (cm2)

1 = small

2 = medium

3 = big


24 - Leaf colour

1 = light green

2 = green

3 = dark green


25 - Inflorescence length (cm)

1 = short (< 8)

2 = medium (8-10)

3 = long (>10)


26 - Fruit shape

1 = straight

2 = curved

3 = twisting


27 - Fruit length

1 = short (< 14)

2 = medium (14-18)

3 = long (>18)


28 - Fruit width

1 = small

2 = medium

3 = big


29 - Fruit thickness

1 = thin

2 = medium

3 = thick


30 - Fruit colour

1 = black

2 = brown

3 = reddish


31 - Inflorescence colour (only male trees)

1 = green

2 = yellow

3 = red


32 - Seed yield (%)

1 = low (<9.5)

2 = medium (9.5-13)

3 = high (>13)


33 - Sugar content (%)

1 = low (<40)

2 = medium (40-50)

3 = high (>50)


34 - Gum content (% dry weight of endosperm)

1 = low (<48)

2 = medium (48-52)

3 = high (>52)


35 - Harvesting easiness

1 = low

2 = medium

3 = high


36 - Regularity of production

1 = low

2 = medium

3 = high


37 - Collector’s notes